When you’re starting a new business, it’s important to know about the VPAT. The VPAT, or Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, is a document that developers and manufacturers use to disclose how accessible their products are to people with disabilities.  

Knowing what’s in the VPAT can help you make an informed decision about whether or not a product is right for you.  

In this blog post, we’ll tell you all about the VPAT, VPAT testing, and what it means for business owners. Keep reading to learn more! 

What is VPAT? 

VPAT stands for Voluntary Product Accessibility Template. It is a document that describes how accessible a product is in relation to the guidelines set forth in the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  

The goal of VPAT is to help organizations ensure that their products are accessible to as many people as possible. VPATs are typically used by government agencies and other organizations that are required to purchase accessible products. However, any organization can use a VPAT to evaluate the accessibility of a product.  

VPATs are developed by the product’s manufacturer and are meant to be used as a supplement to other accessibility documentation, such as user manuals and support materials.  

VPATs can be used to assess the accessibility of a wide variety of products, including software, hardware, web-based applications, and electronic documents. VPATs are not mandatory, but they can be very helpful in ensuring that products meet the needs of all users. 

Is VPAT Required? 

The Voluntary Product Accessibility Template, or VPAT, is a document used to communicate a product’s compliance with the accessibility requirements of the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).  

While VPATs are not required by law, they may be requested by potential customers or required by some government agencies. VPATs can be useful in determining whether a product meets the needs of a particular customer or organization. However, VPATs are not always accurate, and they should not be the only factor considered when assessing accessibility. 

How to Get VPAT? 

In order to get VPAT certified, products must first be evaluated by an independent, third-party organization. The certification process typically takes between four and eight weeks, and there is no cost to the manufacturer for the certification itself.  

However, manufacturers may incur costs associated with making their products compliant with the ADA standards. 

Once a product has been certified as compliant with the ADA standards, the manufacturer can then apply for VPAT certification. The application process is simple and straightforward, and it can be completed online in just a few minutes. After the application has been processed, the manufacturer will receive a certificate that can be displayed on their website or on the product itself.  

This certificate verifies that the product meets the accessibility requirements of the ADA and showcases the manufacturer’s commitment to providing products that are accessible to all individuals. 


As you can see, VPAT can be extremely useful for your business. Thus, even though it isn’t required, it’s best to get it for your business. This is particularly true if you want to stand out against the competition.